
Organic Fertilizer

Bio Fertilizer -The Chain Reaction Agent As Crop Nutrient / SUPERLINK* Condensed Solution & KCL 98%u

Bio Fertilizer -The Chain Reaction Agent As Crop Nutrient / SUPERLINK* Condensed Solution & KCL 98%up Technical Grade SUPERLINK is the newest product, its major ingredient is the chain reaction agent: G. P. L. -37 of which is made from natural vegetable extracts. As the function of chain reaction, so that SUPERLINK appears to be mobile and systematic efficacy. Therefore, what is the effect of SUPERLINK / the chain reaction agent? It is almost included the whole that is the answer. Features: = Mobile: Effect of this agent is focused on various stage of growth of a plant by transferring the elements accordingly into the plant in mobility.= Systematic: Effects on any growth period of crops including rooting, blooming, fruit keeping, enlarging, sweet and to better coloring, etc. also has the inhibition of fresh shoot overgrowth for vines = Economic & Outstanding Effects: To dilutewith water at 3,000 ~ 6,000 parts (33ml ~ 20ml SUPERLINK / 100 Liters water). Yield increase for 20% to 80%. = It can be directly used fertilizer in the field or the raw material of NPK/NP compound or be blended fertilizer as ADJUVANT. = It can supply all kinds of nutrition for plants during the whole growing season without additional fertilizer application. It can improve the nutrition efficacy, decrease the nutrition loss and well protect the environment. It can also save the labour greatly in managing your crops, garden, sport fields, orchard, etc. And bring you an unexpected harvest. We also supply POTASSIUM CHLORIDE (KCl) 98%up technical grade, pls let us know as soon as possible. We shall be glad to send you quotations and samples on receipt of your specific enquiries. Inviting your interest and cooperate with us, any queries if any, contact us pls. >> Our website: www.growing8.com << >> Email: growing.leader@msa.hinet.net <<







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