SuperMandolin Slicer
Product ID: ST-9804 (NEW PATENT!!) Super Mandolin Slicer The Super Mandolin Slicer (ST-9804) is im

Product ID: ST-9804 (NEW PATENT!!)
Super Mandolin Slicer
The Super Mandolin Slicer (ST-9804) is improved from Shyang-Tian Mandolin Slicer (YT-9104), and its structure is same as Shyang-Tian Mandolin Slicer (YT-9104), but to increase CUTTING SURFACE in order to use the bigger vegetables and fruits, and do not need to cut in half for slicing.
• Fine serrated blade: THICKNESS about 0.3 ~ 4mm and adjustable by your option. WIDTH (unchangeable and fixed):+/-1.0mm. LENGTH: adjustable by your option. This blade has cutting edges on both sides. Suitable for cutting garnish for "Sashimi".
• Medium serrated blade: THICKNESS about 0.3 ~ 4mm andadjustable by your option. WIDTH (unchangeable and fixed):+/-2.4mm. LENGTH: adjustable by your option. This blade has cutting edges on both sides. Suitable for cutting daikon or gobo for dishes like "kinpira Gobo", "Namasu", "Sukiyaki" and so much more.
• Coarse serrated blade: THICKNESS about 0.3 ~ 4mm and adjustable by your option. WIDTH (unchangeable and fixed):+/-8.5mm. LENGTH: adjustable by your option. This blade has cutting edges on both sides. Suitable for cutting gobo and carrots for "Sasagaki", and for cutting daikon for "Kinboshi daikon".
• A bigger size vegetable does not need to cut in half. Cutting surface area: Width: 95mm, Length: 350mm.
• Slicing both of big and small vegetables and fruits.
• In quantities, speed and saving-time so much.
• Safety: No electric power, and with FINGER GUARD.
• Any vegetable can be cut into thin slices and strands.
• Perfect for both household and professional use.
website: http://www.growing8.com
email: growing.leader@msa.hinet.net
Skype ID: growingleader

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