serrated blades
Julienne & Serrated Blades for Peelers Manufactory as semi-manufactured products (#ST-9701) Our Jul

Julienne & Serrated Blades for Peelers Manufactory as semi-manufactured products (#ST-9701)
Our Julienne & Serrated Blades are exporting many Manufactories of Peelers in Switzerland and Germany and other many countries in world, the best quality are approval and getting positive results. The exceptional well cutting blades peel economically in thin peels. The very flexible blade adapts perfectly to the surface of the peeling goods. This results in very little waste and the maximum remains for the consumers. Made of stainless steel, tempered, sharpened and burnished. If you are a manufactory of peelers, you need to consider using our uniqueserrated blades in order to lifting its commercial value, and increasing your turnover. (the photo as attachment)
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email: growing.leader@msa.hinet.net
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